Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Quick Update

It is been so long since the last time I wrote something for here. I have been thinking about writing a lot though but….. Let’s just say I wasn’t in the mood! ;)

I am done school; got a job back in September; and cut my bangs! He he he

I thought I feel better when I am done with school and have a job but I don’t think that helped me at all. I feel even more discombobulated than ever before…

Sometimes I wish that I never had any feelings…. then I take my wish back right away. My emotions and feelings are like a rambunctious little brat kid!

Escaping from reality may not be a good thing but I certainly believe taking short cuts once in a while IS.

Lastly, my new fixation is music….. Haven’t watched any of my favorite TV shows for about a month!