Thursday, February 22, 2007

Scanner Darkly

Sacrifice for the greater good?
“Scanner Darkly” was the name of a movie we recently watched. We rented this movie while back and I tried to watch it few times but never passed the first 15 minutes of it.
I finally forced myself to sit and watch the whole thing.
At first the movie is about a drug called substance D and how authorities are trying to put a stop to the widespread use of it. However, later on it becomes about sacrificing for the greater good.

I have always questioned that concept. I can’t make my mind about the matter. Is it really ok to scarify for a greater good? Is it ethical? Can’t form an opinion on it, just can’t.

I don’t think I can ever do that. How can we think of it as an OK thing to do? Who do we think we are to sit and think about other living creatures like they are our toys? But again don’t we all play games to survive? I don’t believe in playing games but I sometimes catch myself playing it like others just to get what I want……..

Good movie, watch it when u get a chance..

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