Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thinking outside the box!

I read an article on the newspaper yesterday about the French carmaker Citroen, offering design ideas. Apparently the company has previously offered $200,000 designer garage for its executive C6. Now they have branched out into interior design and offer “automotive-inspired apartment”!

Alright, that is thinking out of the box (the car itself). You know how most companies offer complimentary services of product to their core competency? shoes and clothing stores sell accessories, this car company sells designer garage and inspiration for some truly luxurious home furnishing ideas. Smart! How some people become so visionary to see so much outside the box! This is the 10000 foot view of the box and its surroundings!

Let’s look at it from another point of view. They are basically dictating a certain life style to their target market. But again that is nothing new! I remember talking about this subject in my last year humanity class. Is that individuality? Personality, individuality, fashion and brand!

,,, mmmmmm

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