Wednesday, May 3, 2006


I am not sure why but recently we have been watching weird movies. Last weekend I was at Hala’s house and we decided to pick a scary movie from Roger’s in demand (I think it called return of evil or sth like that). From the little description it provided we thought this movie was a good choice. So little we knew!! This was the most disturbing movie ever. It was so agitating that we stopped watching it. The movie was full of unnecessary and explicit violence and rape. I’m not sure why someone would make a movie like this. Not sure it was cuz of our own curiosity or the story line that made us watch the rest the next morning. I will ask Hala and tell you what the name of the movie was when she gets back.
Few days ago my sister rented a movie and we started watching it at nit, Sin City by Robert Rodriguez. I had heard a lot about this movie and was so eager to watch it. The movie was in black and while and again very weird!! This movie has got me thinking for a while now. I have been readying few reviews and interpretation of it online but still not sure what the story line is all about. I believe the movie is an adaptation of Frank Miller's stories based in the fictional town of Basin City. I know nothing about these kind of comics and never been interested in them; maybe that is the reason I couldn’t understand much. I think Robert Rodriguez was on some serious stuff when he was making the movie!
The whole time I was trying to figure out why there were only four colours in the movie; black, white, red and orange!
If I remember correctly, blood, some cars, and some women were red. Goldie’s hair and a little monster were orange. I remember a scene that one of the women in red turned to black and while theme and became part of the norm, if u think of the black and white as norm! I really want to know what was the logic and reason behind the colour selection! I read somewhere that the few colours were added just so the movie looks cool ( and to add accent to the black and white theme….
Anyways, I got to go and do some work. Just wanted to write about these two movies since they have been occupying my mind for a while now :)

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