Tuesday, June 10, 2008


YRT buses don’t pick up anyone on the south west corner of Yonge and Steels avenue even if the bus stops to drop someone off. :S
Get this, the bus stops, but doesn’t let you in because apparently you have to go to the North West cornet to get on the YRT buses.

Our building has locked the garbage bins outside the building so you can’t drop big items in them! Even if the item fits in the big garbage bin, still counts as a big item and won’t be picked up by the city! Hello? What is this all about? It is about giving the business to those other companies who pick up your junks. That is what this is all about.

I am starting to doubt some of the laws in our society. I usually follow the law and all the instructions but recently I am not sure what to think anymore….

Some things just make no sense to me.

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